How long do plastics take to fully decompose
If one bottle of water would make it to the sea how long would it take to decompose? NAMé Recycling tackles the problem at the source and...

Some impressions of our roundtable with the packaging industry
Some impressions of a roundtable event organised by NAMé Recycling with the Cameroonian packaging industry. More news on this event will...

Cimencam - NAMé Recycling Promotion Event
Some impressions of our new campaign in cooperation with Cimencam, part of the Lafarge group:

Mise en place d'une politique de collecte des bouteilles et autres déchets plastique/pe/pp pre-
Identification de la problématique Le Cameroun, beau pays d’Afrique, avec une biodiversité riche et variée, est aussi un pays avec un...