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NAMé Recycling and SOURCE DU PAYS: Partnership is born

SOURCE DU PAYS is a company specialised in the production and marketing of soft drinks, sparkling beverages, energy drinks and mineral water. It is one of the biggest producers in terms of industrial waste.

This partnership is born quite naturally. Everything did began during the preparations for the CAN Women 2016 which took place in Cameroon. NAMé Recycling was selected to manage the plastics waste that was to be produced during this event. It is in this context that the company SOURCE DU PAYS approached NAMé Recycling. Step by step the collaboration naturally took place.

​​NAMé Recycling is solicited for the seriousness of its commitments, its efficiency and its credibility regarding the sustainability of its projects but mainly because it is the only company in Cameroon holding an environmental permit for the management of plastic waste. In other words, any companies wishing to work in this sector in Cameroon should collaborate under its supervision. SOURCE DU PAYS confidence in NAMé has thus been made in a clear and reciprocal way.

However, it should be noted that the stakes of this partnership are very important. We are talking about consistent contracts. « SOURCE DU PAYS » is one of the major producers of plastic waste and NAMé Recycling is an essential partner which is able to clear « SOURCE DU PAYS » of these waste stocks.

NAMé Recycling has just made considerable investments to manage the quantities coming from the brewery and to create very high quality products that meet international quality standards. This is our unique point of sale. NAMé Recycling is a team of people with a profound knowledge of the recycling profession thanks to the experience of our experts in Europe and elsewhere in Africa. This allows us to create opportunities where many others have failed in the past.

This collaboration is a win-win because on one hand NAMé is buying industrial waste for recycling produced by “SOURCE DU PAYS” and on the other hand SOURCE DU PAYS benefits from the advantages of working with the recycling expert accredited from all over the country.

But let us not forget that all Cameroonians win because a clean and healthy environment is our main reason for being.

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